We are a band based in Limerick, Ireland. We are Surly.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Just back from lunch there. Due to Shannon's unfortunate status as an "industrial hub" (I also like to refer to it as "Fagtown") , quality eating emporiums are at a premium here. Having already tried a few venues over the past few weeks (including a pub that served a carvery menu that appeared to have been made from several carvery menus) it was ill-advisedly decided that McDonald's could be relied on.

So we went in and were smacked in the face with that same McDonald's smell that I'm sure you get anywhere in the World. I opted for a pretty standard meal. Went for some Chicken Nuggets and such with a bit of Eurosaver for valu.

The meal was fine. But then I realised that it was just shite. I doubt if I've ever actually wanted a McDonald's in all my life. It's just an idea planted in your bloody head that it's enjoyable. And it's not, it's just not.

So anyway, I'm never eating a McDonald's again. It won't be a struggle never to have one again, but exposure will always remain high due to the fact that people I know will continue to go there.

Rant over.


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